The Way Program / Summary of Units

An Effective Way to do Discipleship Development…

Video Input + Expert Panelists + Study Guides

“Discipleship Foundations”

Course Overview


The foundational course on discipleship will be made up of 4 units, dealing with various central issues regarding the Christian life. It’s getting back-to-the-basics but doing it right!

Unit 1: Following Jesus

Fostering intimacy with Christ

  1. What is a disciple of Christ?
  2. Worshipping Jesus
  3. Obeying Jesus’ teaching
  4. Drawing near to Jesus: the spiritual disciplines
  5. Making disciples of Jesus

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Unit 2: Growing from God’s Word

Letting the Bible ‘dwell richly’ in us

  1. Why do we read the Bible?
  2. The story of the Bible
  3. How to read the Bible (Part A)
  4. How to read the Bible (Part B)
  5. Living & teaching the Bible

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Unit 3: Loving God’s People

Deepening relationships with each other

  1. What is the church?
  2. The church as a community
  3. Your part in the church
  4. Worshipping God together
  5. The church makes a difference

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Unit 4: Living the Gospel

Being moved by the good news

  1. Key concepts of the gospel
  2. Guarding the gospel from ‘gospel mathematics’
  3. The gospel moves us inwardly
  4. The gospel moves us outwardly
  5. Sharing the gospel

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“Ministry Modules”

Course Overview


The Way also offers specialised programs optimised to develop Christian discipleship in various church ministry positions. Offered alongside the “Foundations” course, they provide a Christ-centred, Scripture-based understanding of how we are called to serve one another.

Eldership Module

Sixteen sessions covering:

  1. Leading with the Right Vision
  2. Guarding Doctrine & Life
  3. Being “Shepherds” of the Church

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Leadership Module

Fourteen session covering:

  1. Leadership Foundations
  2. Leadership Character
  3. Leadership Focus
  4. Leadership Tools

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Mentoring Module

Eleven sessions covering:

  1. Mentoring Foundations
  2. Mentoring Tools
  3. Electives for Mentoring Men, Women & Youth

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Ministry of the Word

Thirteen sessions covering:

  1. Basic Exegesis
  2. Gospel-Centred Preaching
  3. Developing Application

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Example Panel Discussion:

There is an urgency in today's Church to develop Christian maturity with material that is
high-quality, both in content and packaging.

It was out of this need that The Way was born.

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